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New Profile Visibility/Privacy Levels

On May 02, 2023 we released the ability for dharmaMatch users to set the visibility/privacy level of their profile during registration - and allow them to to adjust their level under Account Settings.

What Profile Visibility/Privacy Levels Are Available?

Broader visibility means more exposure and traffic to a profile page - but this needs to be balanced with a user's desired level of privacy. Below are the visibility/privacy levels now available:

PUBLIC - Profile is viewable to all (including unregistered users) and may appear directly in public search engines (e.g. Google).

PROTECTED - Profile is viewable to all (including unregistered users) but will not appear directly in public search engines (e.g. Google).

PRIVATE - Profile is viewable only to registered, logged-in users.

HIDDEN/SUSPENDED - Profile is temporarily hidden on our site, not included in site searches or our matches email, and is unviewable to all.

NOTE: A profile normally cannot be placed into HIDDEN/SUSPENDED state if it is in an active, paid Gold Membership period, or under review by one of our admins. Please contact support in these cases.

Prior to this change, all profiles were at the PROTECTED level. This is now the default level.

Where Can I Adjust This Setting?

You will find the ability to adjust this value in the following locations:

During Registration

adjust profile visibility duirng registration

At The Bottom Of Account Settings Page

where link to adjust is available in account settings adjust profile visibility in account settings

How Can I Send You Feedback On This Functionality?

Please use this email address to give us feedback on this new functionality or anything else about the dharmaMatch.com experience that you would like to see changed. Please include your member screen name in your message to us if you are experiencing difficulty with the site so we can lookup your record and see what's happening. While we cannot guarantee it will happen every time, many of the suggestions from our members do end up becoming features/changes on the site. We want to hear from you!

The dharmaMatch Product Team

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