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See When Messages Are Opened (Premium Feature)

On Dec 31, 2020 we released an additional benefit to our Gold Membership tier - Gold Members can now see when the messages they've sent are opened. Gold Members can see this information when they view their sent messages.

In this article we explain how this worked before and after this update.

What Did The Sent Message List Look Like Before This Change?

Before this update the sent message list looked like this:

old sent message list

This screen showed when the message was sent, but not when it was opened.

The total number of unread messages was listed at the top and the envelope icon would show the opened/unopened status - an open envelope meant that the message has been opened by the recipient, although many members were not aware of this.

What Does The Sent Message List Look Like Now?

For Gold Members, the sent message list will now look like this:

new sent message list for gold members

Gold Members will now see more detail under the new "Opened" column on this page. If the message was opened after Dec 28, 2020 (the date we started recording when messages are opened), the Gold Member will see the exact time when the message was opened by the recipient. "(not yet opened)" will be printed if the message is still unopened.

If a message was opened before Dec 28, 2020, we only know that it was opened, but don't know exactly when. In this case we print "opened (time unknown)" as stated in the note on this page.

For non Gold Members, the sent message list will now look like this:

new sent message list for non gold members

When we don't have an exact open time, but we know the message was opened, we show "opened (time unknown)" as stated above.

When we do know the exact open time of the message, we provide a link for the member to upgrade their membership to see this information.

How Can I Send You Feedback On This New Functionality?

Please use this email address to give us feedback on this new functionality or anything else about the dharmaMatch.com experience that you would like to see changed. While we cannot guarantee it will happen every time, many of the suggestions from our members do end up becoming features/changes on the site. We want to hear from you!

The dharmaMatch Product Team

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