A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Having been around since 2004, there is a lot about dharmaMatch.com that is outdated - user-experience-wise and technology-wise.
We will be chronicling our progress to modernize the user experience of dharmaMatch here, including the eventual development of native apps. We will post a new article below every time we complete a major user-facing feature or fix, or have another site announcement to share.
Once we release our responsive design update to the main site, we will eventually update these pages to have a matching look-and-feel but, for now, we're just keeping the presentation of these pages basic.
Please email us if you find something that seems off or if you have a feature request. Please include your member screen name in your message to us if you are experiencing difficulty with the site so we can lookup your record and see what's happening. We love to hear directly from our users!
The dharmaMatch Product Team